
Friday, March 22, 2013

What a week!

My sister and her boyfriend came all the way from Arkansas to visit this week! It was her first time meeting Little Man and we were all so excited to see her. We did a few fun things during their stay, including a trip to Hershey and the DC Zoo. I want bore you with all of the details, but I figured I would at least let everyone know where I disappeared to!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Natural goo be gone

So a few weeks ago, I was on this kick to try to use more natural personal hygiene products and make as many of them as possible. One of the ones I wanted to try was a recipe for a homemade deodorant. I read online that it worked great for seem people, but for others, their skin was too sensitive and couldn't handle the baking soda. I decided to try it out and see how my skin would do. The stuff really worked great at preventing any smell, but my skin was too sensitive to it and I broke out in a minor rash :(

I hated the idea of throwing it out and decided to give myself a few weeks to see if there was any other use for the concoction. Low and behold, Pinterest had the answer. One day while scrolling through, I saw a pin for a natural goof off. I hate using goof off because I worry about what is in the stuff and was excited to find that this natural recipe was exactly what I had made for the deodorant! Score!

I put the stuff to the test on the bathroom mirror. I had taken the price sticker off two years ago when I bought it, but never quite got around to getting the sticky stuff left behind. This recipe for natural sticky removal worked great! I used it on some pot lids in the kitchen next that had tape residue left on the top, and it worked great there too! I love not having to worry about any nasty chemicals now when I remove sticky, gunky stuff :)

Here is the final recipe I used (since I tweaked the one deodorant recipe I had used)

Natural goof off (or deodorant!)
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup corn starch
About 1/4 cup of coconut oil, melted (I melted some, added, and added more as needed to get a good consistency)

combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Add more coconut oil if mixture is too dry and thick or add more backing soda if it is too watery. Put mixture in a sealable jar or container and place in fridge to harden. Because this uses coconut oil, the mixture may melt a bit if left out of the fridge. I removed my jar once it hardened up and now keep it in the cleaning cabinet. Remember to label the jar so you remember what it is for!

To use, take a towel (or paper towel) and scoop out a small amount of the mixture. Use a circular motion to lightly cover the area of sticky. Leave on for about a minute, and then use a circular motion to rub the gunk away! I found that letting it soak in a bit, made it way easier to remove the stickiness.

Monday, March 4, 2013

What to do with those stinky diapers...

Now that little man and his friend are eating baby food, those diapers are stiiiiinnnnnkkkky. My husband has been taking out the trash each night, but the trash is awful during the day. I have one of those diaper trash cans, but it is in my sons room.

It just hit me the other day...why am I not tying up the stinky ones in a plastic bag? This was a no duh moment for me, and I am sure most other mommies do this already. I am a little bot of a crunchy mom, and I try to recycle or reuse what I can. The produce bags and the bag my weekend paper comes in are just perfect for those stinky diapers! I have been tying the poopy ones all day and my trash (and house) are stinky no longer!

Anyone have any tricks to share that I may also be late on figuring out?