
Monday, March 4, 2013

What to do with those stinky diapers...

Now that little man and his friend are eating baby food, those diapers are stiiiiinnnnnkkkky. My husband has been taking out the trash each night, but the trash is awful during the day. I have one of those diaper trash cans, but it is in my sons room.

It just hit me the other day...why am I not tying up the stinky ones in a plastic bag? This was a no duh moment for me, and I am sure most other mommies do this already. I am a little bot of a crunchy mom, and I try to recycle or reuse what I can. The produce bags and the bag my weekend paper comes in are just perfect for those stinky diapers! I have been tying the poopy ones all day and my trash (and house) are stinky no longer!

Anyone have any tricks to share that I may also be late on figuring out?

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